Monday 30 September 2013

Free cookies...

A tiring but good start to the new week. Monday is my busiest day with four different classes but it has been an encouraging start to my schedule. I was thankfully able to get my teaching materials prepared in the morning and all the classes seemed to go well. There was a fun moment today when I was getting one class to imagine our classroom was a restaurant. I had two children at the front one the waiter the other the chef, who of course had the bin on his head as a chefs hat! All good fun! This coming Wednesday all the teachers will be meeting to ensure that everything is clear with regards to the coming term. Please pray that as a school we settle into the school year well and for me that I establish good routines especially as I continue to adjust culture wise. I am enjoying my Greek lessons and had another hour today which went well.

Free cookies
On my way home from school I had to drop by a bakery to pick up some milk. As I ordered my milk I thought I'd buy a cake and quickly got chatting with the shop assistant. It all seemed to go rather quickly but I think she was impressed with my Greek (although to be honest I didn't do much of the talking). After I had paid for my milk and cake she kindly gave me some cookies for free! Possibly rewarding me for my efforts at speaking the language but also more likely a kind gesture to welcome me to Greece.

Tomorrow is the 'helping hands' refugee ministry and praise God my schedule has worked out really well with regards to fitting in serving with my church. My first lesson tomorrow isn't until 6pm and so I can stay with the 'helping hands' team a bit longer instead of having to rush back to the school for a lesson.

Please give much thanks to God for many blessings as I get to know the church family in Athens. I have been truly blessed through the Glyfada Christian Centre and now through 2nd church. Yesterday I had the most amazing time having lunch with friends after church, playing games and chatting well into the evening.

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