Monday 23 September 2013

It begins...

Well sort of. The schedule for all the classes will be ready on Wednesday so today and tomorrow are still very much see what happens days. I'm certainly learning the art of adapting at the last minute, for instance at 7pm expecting one class and being all ready and set up, I discovered that I was about to meet a very different class. Still all went ok and it has just been good to meet some of the children that I will be teaching. The school has a really fun and relaxed atmosphere and I also feel like I'm starting to get to know the other teachers more which is good. I had my first Greek lesson today which went well. It was an encouraging start and I was told that for only being in the country one month, I already have a good accent. I am really looking forward to learning more Greek and especially getting my head around the grammar (not easy)! Learning a language is however really helping me to better empathise with my students. I feel now I have a greater understanding for how someone learns a new language and the fears and struggles that accompany the experience.


This evening there was a funny moment when I was trying to teach my class how to play wink murder. Quite a difficult task when your children don't know the word wink or murder. I think we managed some kind of game and above all they seemed to have an enjoyable time. Please continue to pray for me as I settle into my teaching role at the school.

Tomorrow I will be joining the 'helping hands' feeding ministry team again for another time of outreach to refugees living in Athens. This is a really valuable time for we meet and serve the same people each week. Our hope is that in some way, they encounter something of God's love for them in Christ. It is also, as you can imagine, very challenging to meet so many people in need. Please give thanks to God for a dedicated team and pray that they would be strengthened and equipped for making Him known and sharing His love in whatever way possible!

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