Sunday 1 September 2013

First Sunday...

Today was my first Sunday in Athens since arriving and I set off nice and early to travel to Glyfada (a bit further south) to attend the Glyfada Christian Centre. The journey takes just under an hour and involves two metro lines, a bus and a little walking. Due to not being 100% sure where the church was, I got a taxi from the nearest metro and just about managed to communicate where I needed to go. The only slight issue was that my driver directed me to the Greek orthodox church, however thankfully it is very near GCC. I was about 30mins early but decided to go in anyway, upon entering I received a really warm welcome and stayed and chatted with a member of the church while the band rehearsed.

Lots of people soon started to arrive and I was made to feel very welcome and at home by everyone. Now I was expecting the service to be different to what I'm used to (and it was!) but on reflection I am looking forward to experiencing a different way of 'doing church'. What was clear to see is the Pastor's passion and love for God, and a community of believers who are seeking to follow Christ and live and obey His word. As I thought a bit more about attending GCC three questions came into my mind:

1. Is this somewhere I can grow?
2. Is this somewhere I can serve?
3. Is this somewhere I can belong?

My answer to all these questions is an emphatic yes! I am really looking forward to getting to know people at GCC and also seeking to gain a bigger vision of who God is and how I can serve Him with who I am. The underlining message I took from today was 'It's not about me, it's all about Him!'

Please pray for me in all this. I met some amazing people today and also was deeply humbled as I listened to stories from people who are going through really tough times. I hope to attend the weekly Bible study on Wednesday and wait and see where God directs me. Above all please pray that as in the words of the apostle Paul (Philippians 2) I would:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. 

 Tomorrow morning I start work at my school. This is both an exciting time as I learn more about what I will be doing, but also an unnerving time as I step into more unknowns. Praise be to the one who is before me, at my right hand and so I shall not be shaken (Psalm 16:8). More news tomorrow!

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