Sunday 22 September 2013

Things are heating up...

And for once I'm not talking about the weather. Today has actually been a cooler day of about 23°C and it is set to stay in the mid twenties over the coming week. I'm referring to my daily schedule and rapidly noticing that very soon I will be extremely busy both with teaching and other post-school commitments. This week I met two of my classes which was an encouraging experience although it will take time for me to switch my mind into English language teaching mode. Spending a year working in a primary school, has meant that I occasionally forget that I am with non-native speakers and suddenly have to rethink what I am saying. Please pray for me as I meet my different classes and especially pray for me as I familiarise myself with the teaching material. I am teaching five different levels so at times it feels like a lot to get my head around. Tomorrow I will be teaching two classes and should also have a better idea about the coming weeks schedule.

Saturday afternoon entertainment...
It has been an enjoyable weekend and I was thankful for being able to spend time with friends on Saturday. One of the afternoon activities was playing 'ticket to ride' - (see picture on the right). In the evening some friends from church came over which was great. Meeting people from the church has been a real pleasure and I am very much looking forward to getting to know people better over the coming weeks and months.

I think currently I am going through the 'missing England' stage and so being able to spend time with friends who have personal experience of this stage of culture shock has been really invaluable. It has nearly been one month now and I am sure that I will encounter many other thoughts and feelings as I journey through cultural crossroads. Please do give thanks to God for providing me with friends who can help steer me through moments when all I want to do is wear a thick woollen jumper and drive a car on the left-hand side of the road (in the rain).

Not meaning to sound too negative, these are all quite natural emotions for someone who has entered a new culture. To bring some balance and perspective there are many things that I give much thanks for. The provision of a job, home, friends, church in Athens. God's leading and protection as I've gone about my various 'stamp collecting' tasks. And of course knowing that ultimately He has a good plan and purpose and knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). All I need to do in that time is be faithful and love Christ (sounds easy). One part of the sermon that spoke to me today was when the preacher declared - Christ is not an accessory, he is the King of the world! Over this coming week, as I being Greek lessons, teaching English to my students, seek to serve and make Jesus known to my neighbours and those I meet through church. Please pray that I have a deeper and more wider view of Christ in my life - he is not to be an accessory to my life - he is to be King over my life!

2nd Greek Evangelical Church -
before Sunday morning worship


  1. Hi Jon, it must be very strange being in a different country, getting to know your surroundings, their way of life and culture etc, but I am sure, as time goes by you will find yourself fitting into life in Athens more, and gradually getting into a good routine, just give it time. As you know Granny and I done our abseil today, and the weather was lovely. It was a great experience and we had lots of family support cheering us all the way down, I think next year we will all be doing it!!!!!. I had a busy day in Mels Pantry yesterday, got all the shallots and beetroot pickled, made some Spicy tomato chutney which should be just ready for eating when you come home at Christmas, i think the pickled onions might blow your brains out though!!!!. I am looking forward to my holiday on Herm, Granny and I leave Southampton airport Saturday morning 28th Sept, it will be lovely to have a dip in the sea before breakfast!!!!. I do pray that you have a forfilling week ahead and that the lord will guide you in all you do. In my Gods daily promises book for today Sept 22nd, the heading is DISCIPLE, Jesus said " My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" John 10:27
    Todays thought: Being a disciple of Jessus is simply a matter of following him with a willing heart. He will bless you, not because of your ability but because of your availability.
    How true is this Jon. You take care, keep safe and let me know when would be the best time for you to Skype, I do know you are going to have a busy week so whenever is best for you. God Bless. Love as always. Mum. xxx

    1. Hi! Thanks for your message and well done again on the abseil! I'm looking forward to hearing more about it on Friday. Thank you for the encouraging Bible verse and thought from your daily devotions book! A very appropriate and important truth to remember. Thanks for all your love and support, hope you have a good week! God bless. Love Jon xxx
