Thursday 5 September 2013

An evening by the Acropolis...

I've just got home after a really great evening having dinner with a friend by the Acropolis. It really does look amazing all lit up at night. One can just about picture all that Greek thinking taking place until someone stood up and said 'errrr... what about a democracy?' - 'hhhmm, yes, I like the sound of that!'. It has been great learning about Greek history and their certainly is a lot to learn. It has also taught me just how little I know about British history! I had another successful time at work planning lessons and hopefully by the end of this week will have all my lessons for week one at least in plan form. So far I've been leaving the school to go home for lunch but today I thought I would pay a visit to some friends who have just returned after visiting the UK. It was really great to see them and a real joy to catch up. I am extremely thankful for their support and help as I settle into living in Athens. They have very much been through the experience so it is great to be able to speak to them about making the transition into a new culture.

Athens really does look beautiful
as the sun begins to set
You can just about see the
Acropolis lit up in the background.

I'm looking forward to meeting up with them and other friends again soon! Please give thanks to God for friendships in Athens and pray that these grow over the coming weeks and months. Now, I'm writing this blog a bit later then usual due to my evening out by the Acropolis. It is currently a quarter past midnight (for Greeks however that is early!) and looming in the back of my mind is tomorrow morning. I need to make another trip to the immigration police. Thankfully I now have all my papers sorted and so it should be a simple (yes, simple) visit to the EU office to get my residents permit. Anyhow, this is the plan and God-willing I hope to leave around 6:30am (possibly earlier) to go and do this. Apparently the earlier you go the better. Will look forward to sharing news of this journey tomorrow (or if we're in my time later today!).   

A theatre next to the Acropolis.

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