Friday 6 September 2013

Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο! - Have a nice weekend!

A new phrase I learnt today from the receptionist in my school. It's a bit of a mouthful but once you get it, it rolls of the tongue quite nicely. Today has been a long day which began at 6am (alarm going off) and then began again at 6:45am (after me ignoring my alarm). As planned, I arrived at the immigration police and found my way to the EU department in the hope of getting my residents permit. It was another testing time as I was greeted by a man who clearly didn't enjoy his work (or gave that impression anyway). I tried my best to smile and be polite but to no avail! After being given another form to fill in I soon realised that I was in for a long wait. One hour later my number was called out and I greeted the man (desperately trying to make him smile) and eventually found out that I need to get another form and stamp and then come back next week! In my finest British accent I told the man how ever so grateful I was for his help and wished him a good day.

Interestingly I didn't feel frustrated with the situation, I just left with a greater awareness of how difficult it is for people seeking residence in Greece (especially those outside the EU). I was on the other hand quite excited about my new found hobby of stamp collecting, maybe one more stamp and I qualify for a free bottle of Ouzo!

This evening has been a good end to an overall tiring day. I met up with two friends from the 2nd Greek Evangelical Church and we went for dinner which was a really lovely time. We had many conversations about many things and spending time with friends in the evening is really helping me get settled. Please continue to pray for me in this, especially as I look to deepen relationships with neighbours and find a local church where I can belong. I am currently considering if it would be better to attend a church nearer where I am living.

Next week a friend from the 2nd church is going to show me some of the ministry that is going on during the week amongst refugees and the homeless community. Will look forward to sharing some news on that. Please pray that over the coming month I gradually work out a way that I can balance my teaching commitments alongside my desire to get involved with an area of Christian mission.

Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο! - Have a nice weekend!     

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