Tuesday 10 September 2013

Humbling and heart-breaking...

This morning, I joined up with the refugee feeding ministry to help serve lunch to over 100 people largely from Afghanistan. It was encouraging to see such an established and much needed ministry among many who are experiencing extreme hardship. As I got to know people, and listened to their stories, finding out about what they have been through was both humbling and heart breaking. Many of these people have left behind their homes and families to seek refuge from a country torn apart by war. The ministry for these people aims to meet practical needs but also it is hoped it will be a vehicle for many to experience the love of God in Christ Jesus. It is overtly Christian and after the meal there is a gospel presentation which people are welcome to stay for. I am looking forward to helping each week and would value your prayers that I can get to know people. Please pray for the team in general as they minister to a whole variety of needs.

Post-lunch talk

This afternoon I attended a seminar at my school which was good although it did cement further my realisation that I have much to think about before term begins. It was however great to meet some of the other teachers and get to know them. One of the things I continue to find is that not speaking Greek can often mean I am left out of the conversation or just left a bit confused (nothing new there then). This isn't on purpose you understand, but being the only Englishman does limit me somehow. Another reason to learn Greek! Please continue to pray for my settling in and think of me tomorrow morning at 6:30am (that's 4:30am UK time). Who knows, this time tomorrow evening I might be have a resident permit! Oh... and that free bottle of Ouzo!

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