Sunday 8 September 2013

It's not about me...

I was really challenged today to make a greater effort to pray and seek after God. Not simply to bring a list of requests before God (however this is important) but to see that the purpose of prayer is not about me getting all that I want, but about me getting closer to God. As I pray for that thing which is still yet to be answered, am I prepared to persevere, trusting that God will answer my prayer in his timing. More than that, am I prepared to see my waiting and persevering in prayer as a channel for deepening my relationship with God. I guess it's the same with any conversation. It would be pretty rude would it not, if all my conversations with people were focussed on me getting what I want. Sometimes I've noticed how quick I am to forget that the God of the universe, my Father in Heaven, has saved me not just so I can get to Heaven, but so I can get to Him. For Jesus before going to the cross prayed to the Father:

Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they KNOW you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

John 17:1-3

The gift of eternal life is the gift of knowing God. Is that really a great gift? If you have a Bible read Psalm 36:7-9 and I think you'll agree there is no better person to turn to then the Lord our God.

A Greek Orthodox church in Glyfada
Glyfada Christian Centre

This morning I went to the Glyfada Christian Centre as planned and it really was a wonderful time. It was great to see people again and although I have decided to make the 2nd Greek Evangelical church my home church in Athens, I am very much hoping to keep in touch with Glyfada. I do know that some of the ministry that I hope to be involved with will have links with Glyfada, plus I will be able to visit from time to time. It is great to see how God is at work in Greece and I am looking forward to settling into the 2nd church and starting to serve in whatever way I can. There is much to learn and I am sure over the coming weeks there will be fuel for prayers so I will keep you updated.

Grass roots! Watching some park football

Great evening for a stroll in the park

As you can see from the pictures above I had a pleasant time strolling through a nearby park. This was accompanied by watching some local football. I'd like to say the quality was representative of that of Oxford United, but now the U's are sitting second in League 2 still unbeaten, I'm pleased to say our conference years are but a distant memory. Correct me if any of that made no sense, I was trying to be poetic! Please pray for me in the coming week. I have still quite a few lessons to plan and on Thursday, there is a staff meeting at my school about the coming year. I would also value your prayers as I continue to settle and especially get involved with some of the ministry within the 2nd church. Hope you have had a good weekend, look forward to sharing more news soon!

My local metro station

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