Wednesday 2 October 2013

Choose what is better...

I've been thinking recently about the dangers of being 'busy'. Not to say that there isn't a time to be busy, God has of course made us for work. Yet what happens when life gets so busy that we squeeze out time with the Lord? I think two things. 1. We begin to worry. I have stopped and noticed a pattern at the times when I've become busy and instead of stopping and coming before Jesus, I instead run to-and-fro in the hedge maze of my mind (finding the centre seems impossible). What did Jesus say to Martha when he popped by their house for some lunch and Mary decided to spend time at Jesus feet listening to him whilst Martha frantically put the kettle on, Jesus said:

41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10:38-42 

Mary chose what was better - making time with Jesus. You see Jesus says 'few things are needed' - 'or indeed only one'. Maybe we over complicate things some times. Jesus also warns us of the 'thorns of the worries of life' making the seed of the word unfruitful in the believers heart (Matthew 13:22). I said there were two things so a bit more briefly. 1. We begin to worry. 2. We look elsewhere. I've noticed that in my own life too, when life is getting busy, busy, busy, instead of first looking to the resources of the living God I look to my own resources.
Helping Hands team preparing lunch
for the refugees
Maybe it's that book that promises all the answers, or that person who is always available to talk, both things which are good, but both things which can never, and should never replace time with God. For he is wiser then any book, he is always available to talk, but more astoundingly he made us, and knows us better than we know ourselves. From our breath to our being he is the only God.
And yet why do I look elsewhere? Probably because I'm all too quick to forget about God. I don't speak from experience, but I know that one of the most dangerous places people often look for guidance is through mediums or spiritists. Yet there is clear warning in the Bible about the consequences of being involved in this (Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6, 1 Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19). In Luke 16:19-31, after experiencing the torment of hell, the rich man begs that Lazarus (who is in Heaven) would be sent to his sons (on earth) to warn them. The reply comes - 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' At the end of Luke's gospel, Jesus speaking to his disciples says '...everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.' - and so, how much more do we have in Jesus!           
And so if busyness takes hold, why begin to worry, why look elsewhere! Let's be like Mary and take a moment to kneel before the Lord who is in and above every situation. Choose what is better. Something I am hoping to put into action over the rest of this week (and lifetime).
Please give thanks that I am starting to feel more like I know what I'm doing at school. So far my schedule is going well and I'm sure after a month I'll be into a good rhythm with the various classes. I had a good meeting today to make sure that I'm all clear on what's expected. Also, yesterday was a great time serving with the 'helping hands' team. As you can see from the picture above there are a lot of mouths to feed. It was a real joy serving with the team and also being able to talk with some of the refugees. Pray for the on-going work of this ministry and that many of the refugees come to salvation in Jesus and come to know the joy and freedom found in the gospel of Christ.    

Essential classroom resources

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