Monday 16 September 2013

New discoveries, new toy...

I am beginning to get to know my area in Athens much better and keep discovering new places of interest. One being an express supermarket (a bit closer then the big supermarket although not quite the same) and another being a gyros shop (gyros meaning 'round' - it's the spinning pork kebab thing although 100 times better then England). The latter of the two places being more important of course! Athens is a big city and so there is still a vast amount I have yet to (and probably will never) discover, however I am looking forward to uncovering some more hidden gems soon.

I think exploring a new environment makes you think a lot more about the environment you have left behind. Every city has its own history, a flavour which inevitably gets pressed upon its inhabitants. I suppose if you live in a particular place for a long period of time you begin to own that history and perhaps even take on its unique flavour. Maybe that's why adapting to a new place takes time and effort, for if you are used to having three sugars in your tea, nobody wants to suddenly change to only having one. A retraining of the taste-buds is required. Who knows, it might even be good for you.

My classroom! It will look a little
different on Wednesday!
As you can see from the above picture, I am enjoying my new toy (I mean... teaching aid). It is fast approaching the beginning of the school year and so today I have been practicing using my interactive whiteboard! Actually, it's more of an interactive projector but still great fun. Over the last few days, I have enjoyed planning the first block of lessons and ask that you pray for me as I get to know my students. This week will be important to make them feel welcome and also for me to settle a bit more into my job. I will look forward to reporting back on how the fun and the learning is going.

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