Saturday 28 September 2013

100% clay...

It has been an up and down week, so I was glad of a Saturday where I could rest, go for a walk and catch up on shopping and general flat cleaning. I am also thankful for time to reflect on what God has been teaching me over the last month. I think one of the lessons I have learnt is how our Father in Heaven uses all circumstances to shape and mould us into the people he has purposed us to be. We may not understand or even agree with the process, but what we can know with full confidence is that he is good, in control and will work with us to achieve the promised end product (to be like Jesus). I'm reminded of what Isaiah said:

Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
    We are the clay, you are the potter;
    we are all the work of your hand.

                                                           Isaiah 64:8

I look back at my time working in a primary school and see how it has prepared me for my job now, I can only wonder what my current job is preparing me for. What I do know is that all things are working in accordance with God's plan, he is the master potter and his hands are lovingly working over the clay of my life, shaping me and fashioning me into the vessel of his choosing.

One of my favourite places in Athens!
Our for a walk. In the distance
is Lykavvitos


During my afternoon walk , I came across a demonstration on one of the main avenues near my street. I was unsure why they were protesting but they (whoever they were) had positioned themselves outside the police headquarters and were waving Greek flags. Later that day, I did some research online and discovered that earlier around 200 supporters of the far-right Golden Dawn party had gathered in protest over the arrest of their leader and three of their MP's. Earlier in the week anti-fascist protestors held a rally which soon became violent as they clashed with the police.

These are clearly uncertain times for Greece, and socially and politically it seems to be getting more and more unstable. I also get the impression from speaking with Greeks that there is a feeling of hopelessness surrounding the situation. Please pray that out of the chaos, uncertainty and this seemingly hopeless time, many Greeks will question - why? - and seek outside of themselves, to the One who is the author all life, the One who gives power to all rulers and authorities. That many would come to know Jesus the only person who offers true hope for now and eternity. The hand of God is at work in the nation of Greece, he is the potter, we are all the work of his hands.

Golden Dawn supporters protesting
amidst a heavy police presence


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