Wednesday 25 September 2013

Two out of three...

It was my first real day of teaching today and it feels like two out of the three lessons were a success. The two which could have gone better is mainly due to the students being a lower level then I was expecting but also down to the class dynamics. Next time I will be better prepared for this and will try to make sure the lesson is tailored in the best way possible to suit the class. Lesson number one (which was 2 hours) was great and I really enjoyed teaching the class about letter writing. I would very much value your prayers as I settle into teaching the different levels. In other news, my Greek lesson went well and I am learning lots about the wonders of Greek grammar. It is helping me to understand more about why Greek is the way it is. Lots of homework to do over the weekend!

On my way home from school I was confused as to why the police had blocked off one of the roads. As I got nearer home it became clear that something had happened and when I arrived at my building I had a chat with my neighbour who explained that there was a mass rally this evening which passed through our street. Firstly it has now very much dispersed and we are all fine and safe! Please do however pray because it just highlights even more the growing political tensions in Greece. You will probably hear more about this on the news if it reaches the UK so I wanted to get in their first to reassure you that we are fine.  

Tomorrow I will be at the 2nd church again for the feeding ministry and then it will be round two of teaching. God-willing tomorrow I can make it three out of three!


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