Tuesday 17 September 2013

Looking ahead...

Which direction do you most often find yourself looking? Behind to the past, down at the present or ahead to the future? I confess that for me, it is so often the former that occupies the attention of my mind. Yet over the last couple of days I have become increasingly aware of the needs of the present, and the essential task of looking ahead. You will have noticed that much of my thinking (and frustrations) over the past few weeks has been on adjusting to a new city. This is all well and good, yet as I look back to the city I have left behind and around at the city I am now in, I am failing to see one of the most important truths of the Christian message - the city to come!

For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.
Hebrews 13:14

Both Oxford and Athens, great as they are, will not last. Yet more than this, the city to come is going to be incomparable to any man-made city. And with this in mind, as I look around at the current needs (and in Athens there are many) I have in the gospel the most glorious news of a future with a God who loved the world so much that he sent his only Son to die for our sin and who promises to fill us with joy in his presence and with pleasures forevermore. Please pray that my eyes would be fixed on Jesus and that I would have opportunities and boldness to speak about him. Yesterday I went to visit my neighbour and walked in on her crying. This was a tragic moment as I really wanted to speak to her but again the language barrier had other ideas. I ended up sitting with her and some other neighbours for a bit last night outside over a Greek coffee (just me as it's still a novelty).

Tomorrow is the first day of the school term! I am getting prepared and my students will arrive at 7pm for an hour and half 'getting to know each other' style of lesson. I'm looking forward to getting started but would very much value your prayers as this is a big unknown.  

Please pray:

- I would draw nearer to God as I look to Jesus and what he has done and is doing in my life.

- For perseverance as I do miss Oxford and Athens is a very different city indeed.

- For a good start to my teaching job and that I quickly get to know students.


  1. Hi Jon I usually look to the past as it doesn't seem as difficult as the present. Glad to hear your first lesson went ok your mum must be so proud of you it must be lovely to do a job that you love and enjoy so much. Take care Jon our Prayers are always with you x

  2. Hi Sue,
    Thank you for your message! Hoping that you are all doing well! The first lesson did go well, much answer to prayer. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Hope you have a good rest of the week! God bless x
