Tuesday 24 September 2013

Love the sojourner...

A sojourner, as described by Googles web definitions, is a 'temporary resident'. A more fuller definition might be - 'a person who stays or resides temporarily in a place'. And of such people, Deuteronomy 10:19 says we are to "Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt." These of course were words spoken to the people of Israel concerning their attitude towards strangers in the land, but I believe they are words that hold much value today. As a Christian, my freedom from sin and slavery to this world, should spur me into loving those who still find themselves very much enslaved. In fact, typing the word 'sojourn' into the biblegateway.com keyword search, reveals just how much the sojourner is upon the heart of God (why not give it a try).

Getting ready for lunch at
'helping hands'
As I write about all this, I think I am beginning to uncover the underlying feeling that has accompanied me as I adjust to a new land and people. It is the feeling of being a sojourner. A stranger in an unfamiliar land, standing out and never quite fitting in. Maybe even at times being misunderstood or being the one who misunderstands. Yet how much more must those who have fled their country be experiencing these emotions, for no one forced me by gunpoint to come to Greece.

Today I  joined the 'helping hands' ministry team serving lunch to over 100 refugees from Afghanistan. It was once again a very humbling experience and I think a really valuable one for it forces you to look beyond your situation and outwards to other people. Isn't this what we see at the heart of the gospel? A loving God reaching out to a lost humanity. Perhaps this reveals something of why God commands his people, yes commands them, to love strangers as themselves.

You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.           
Leviticus 19:34

Pray for me that I would do just that to all those I meet who are experiencing sojourning in a land far from home. And give thanks for those who have shown me such love during my first month in Athens. As I arrived home, my neighbours were having a drink outside and chatting. They invited me to join them and we had a fun time catching up and laughing at my poor attempts to speak Greek!

Spotted this on my way home
and had to stop and take a pic


  1. Hey Jon - great to hear what you've been up to and what you've been learning! You're right that the gospel shows us the ultimate journey that the ultimate sojourner embarked upon to come alongside us and to redeem us to take us back to his home :)

    "I am going to prepare a place for you" :) What a hope!

  2. Hi Jonathan Glad to hear your lessons are going well,how are your Greek lessons going? In this day and age it's nice to hear how friendly your neighbours are it just shows you the difference in our countries I don't think we are as friendly here. You take care we love reading all about your days love SUE x
