Saturday 7 September 2013

Restful day...

It has been good after my long day yesterday to have a bit more of a restful day today. No 6am alarm for me! After spending the morning inside I decided to go to Carrefour (the supermarket) to stock up on a few things. It is a very handy 5 minutes walk from my flat and if all supermarkets across the world played jazz over the radio like Carrefour, it would be a very good world indeed (unless you don't like jazz that is). Earlier this evening I decided it would be a good idea to see my neighbours so I dropped in for a Greek coffee and a very limited conversation. I also met two more people who live in my building which was great! There was a funny moment when I was repeating their names (to make sure I'd got them right) and I pointed to the man and said άνδρας (ándras) which literally means 'man'. I obviously got lost in translation at some stage but it was a very funny moment! Please continue to pray that I get to know my neighbours. As you can imagine it takes a lot of effort because my Greek is very simple but it is well worth trying.

My local bakery just across the road
mmmmmm... honey rings

One of the things I've been learning upon entering a different culture is that you need to be pro-active in stepping out and just having a go. It can be very tempting to stay indoors, or only listen to or speak in English but that isn't going to help. My plan now is to get Greek lessons and see how much I can learn over the year. I was told by a Greek friend yesterday that I have a fairly good accent so it isn't impossible but it will take time and perseverance.

Tomorrow I am planning on going to the Glyfada Christian Centre in the morning although it feels that my home church in Athens is now likely going to be the 2nd Greek Evangelical Church. I'm looking forward to speaking with the pastor tomorrow about my decision and do hope in some way to be able to keep in touch with the people I have met. It is a decision made in light of the distance I live from the church but more so to do with my work schedule and fitting ministry around that. I know a ministry at the 2nd church which would work well alongside my teaching programme.

A few prayer pointers:

1. peace over choosing a church - pray I settle and that existing friendships deepen.
2. preparations for the school year - pray I get my head around what I am going to teach.
3. persistence with the language - pray I find a teacher and make progress in speaking Greek.

Green army! No... not Plymouth Argyle!
PAO stadium behind the trees


  1. Glad your settling in Jon and your lessons are going well and how lovely it will be to learn another language. Hope all goes well our Prayers are with you take care Jon love SUE xx

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  3. Hi Jon so pleased you managed to have a more restful day. Its good to hear that you are getting to know your neighbours a bit better and i am sure over the coming weeks you will be able to have great conversation!!!!!. I bet its quite handy having a bakers right opposite your flat, fresh baked bread every day, you can't beat it. I will be thinking of you today as you make an important decision about your church and missionary work but i am sure God will lead you in the right direction. You have a good week and before we know it we will both be talking to each other very soon. Take care. God bless. Love Mum. xx

  4. Thank you both! I had a really good morning at Glyfada and will definitely keep in touch with people there. I know that in some of the church work I'll be doing there will be links with both churches which is great. Look forward to sharing more news soon! Love Jon x
