Monday 14 October 2013

Να' σαι καλά...

It was a good weekend with lots of things to be thankful for. There isn't time to mention everything (of course) but here is a short glimpse at two things. Saturday evening I attended the 'unite to impact' event, an evening with the purpose of bringing a wide variety of churches across Athens together for a night or worship and prayer. The evening did just that and it was great to see around 300 (I think) people, from different nationalities and church traditions, all joining together to sing praise to God and pray for many nations across the globe. I was able to help with stewarding people as they arrived, which also proved a good opportunity to get to know fellow stewards / brothers and sisters in Christ. Overall it was a good evening and I think it achieved what it set out to do.    

Unite for Impact - worship & prayer night
On Sunday, after the church service, many people made the journey to an area of Athens in the south for an afternoon of fellowship together. We were blessed with some amazing weather and the whole afternoon was a really fun and enjoyable time. To begin with we played some football, and then enjoyed some amazing home made Greek food!

I sat with some of the older members of the congregation over lunch which I think they thought was a bit odd. Anyhow, I tried to talk to them and get to know them a bit which I think they appreciated. A second football match commenced post-lunch where I played in goal and kept a clean sheet! OK so the opposition didn't have a shot on target but it still counts. There was then a time to pray and finally enjoy some Greek dessert and coffee!

Sunday evening marked the start of a 'small group' style Bible group that I'm a part of. This was a really great time and we are planning to listen to and discuss some sermons on 1 Peter and then pray for each other.
Give thanks for this as I'm sure it will be a really valuable part of my week helping me to grow spiritually and also get to know friends along the way.

And so, it is the start of another week! Monday's are always my busiest day but thankfully today went much better than last week praise God. I'm beginning to learn more about what certain classes need when it comes to delivering the lessons. It is quite interesting how two classes, who are supposedly having exactly the same lesson, are completely different. Some children are very pro active whilst others expect you to do all the work for them (sorry not going to happen).       

(new phrase alert)
Να' σαι καλά.
Na' sai kalá.
Take care / be well

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