Wednesday 9 October 2013

A catch up...

but more to come tomorrow. The week so far has been another rollercoaster ride with very contrasting days. For example my thoughts at the end of this day couldn't be more different then how I was feeling after yesterday. It really does only take one or two 'difficult' children to change your view of the day. On a more positive slant however, it at least helps me to keep learning what works and what doesn't work when it comes to all the different classes. I really enjoyed my classes today and all the lessons pretty much seemed to go as planned. I imagine this will be a repeated pattern but things are starting to come together as I learn names (Greek names can be tricky) and discover how to teach 8 year olds one moment and 12 year olds the next. All good fun!

On Tuesday we had a really good time at the 'helping hands' ministry and it was a pleasure to get to know some Germans who were visiting Athens for the week. I am also very thankful for being able to see the same faces each week which is helping with getting to know some of the refugees. The majority of them do not speak any English but we trust that our welcome and provision of a meal will show them that we care and also point them to God's love for them in Christ. Tomorrow I will be at the feeding ministry for the 2nd church so will look forward to sharing more news about that.

Give thanks that my Greek lessons are going well and although it is slow going I do feel that I am making progress. It will be interesting when I can understand what my children say in class when they speak in Greek. It's fun when you say something in Greek when they least expect it because they think you don't know anything - they love it! Most of my classes are a real joy to teach - please pray that I continue to get to know my students and in all my work, I do everything as serving the Lord.

Over the years I've noticed how it can be very easy to measure yourself against how well you perform during the day. Praise God that our value and identity doesn't come from our performance or effort but 100% in what Jesus has done on the cross. This is so important because it allows us to serve, work and do all things with complete freedom and joy. Why? Because we know that it is not my work that defines me but Jesus Christ! I forget this a lot - note to self... 'good day' God loves you and is faithful. 'bad day' God loves you and is faithful.         

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