Friday 1 November 2013

More stamps...

Yes that's right. I discovered recently that I required a further number and stamp and so it was another journey to add this to my growing collection. I shouldn't grumble because I know that for non-EU citizens, the red tape is even more extensive. I also know that culturally this is how things roll in Greece and so it's wrong to expect everything to be like England. This morning was another opportunity to practice 'crossing cultures' when my attempts to pay in a cheque were unsuccessful as I needed proof of identification (i.e. passport or residents permit). Biting my tongue and smiling at the cashier I went home to retrieve such items before returning to complete the task. To be honest, it really is no trouble when you consider all the other things happening around the world. As I waited in the bank, I found myself wondering if these are the light and momentary troubles the apostle Paul was talking about in 2 Corinthians 4. It's such a good couple of verses I'll put them here:

17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Now without having much time to confidently say this is the case, I do feel that these little moments of trouble are ideal opportunities to remember the bigger picture of life. All my 'head-in-hands' moments are in some way achieving for me an eternal glory. Therefore Paul says, we are to fix our eyes not on temporary things (that so easily weigh us down), but on eternal things (pleasures forevermore kept in heaven until the coming of Christ). 

Talking of things to come, you may be aware that I have been charged with the responsibility of organising a Christmas performance at my school. This was something I wanted to do and I see it as not only a fun experience for the children, but also a great way to share the good news of Jesus.

Preparations for the event are in full swing and as you can see from the picture we have the most wonderful venue. I would very much value your prayers as I put this performance together with the help of a colleagues. There will be much expectation from the parents and the school owner. I am optimistic that all will be fine, which is probably why it's good for me to have a colleague alongside pointing out the things I am likely to forget. Who knows, this could be the next big thing. Coming to a cinema near you! Nativity 3 danger in the Frontisteria!

I always leave school on Friday with a smile. I have probably one of the most enjoyable classes at the very end of the day. In fact all my classes on Friday are great fun to teach, and the students are all very keen and ready to learn. Please continue to pray for me to be diligent in my work and especially have energy for each class. I think tiredness over this week has caused me to get behind on marking so I'm planning devote part of my day tomorrow to this. I'm sure there will be an ideal coffee shop for such an endeavour.

One of my classes having fun learning
directions. Note I've managed to
get Oxford on the map.
Some weekend reading material

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