Monday 18 November 2013

I don't believe it...

apparently Greek yoghurt doesn't go with everything! I discovered this to my peril when I attempted to make pumpkin and red cabbage soup. However despite not having a masher, blender and pretty much everything else you need for making soup, I was determined to give it a go. Things were looking good until I reached for the Greek yoghurt. "It will work", I said to myself, oh how wrong I was. Still, at least now my next attempt will be one step towards pumpkin and red cabbage soup perfection! As well as soup making, my weekend was both relaxing and informative as I made the most of free time to rest, read and mark homework. It is great to see some of my children making good progress in their writing. On Friday, it felt like something had clicked and I'm beginning to feel more in the rhythm of teaching. Each day is still very much a learning experience but when isn't it?

Pumpkin, red cabbage and honey
oh... and Greek yoghurt made a
late appearance...
In other news I've finished watching Inspector Morse, so now it's on to Inspector Lewis. If you've not seen the final episode of Morse it's definitely worth seeing. John Thaw was an incredible actor and plays a stunning final performance. Other weekend activities included visiting Carrefour (of course) and reading a book on child psychology (which is rather interesting).

On Sunday after church, I went for lunch with two friends and their mother. It was a great time and in proper Greek style we didn't leave the restaurant until 4pm. It was then a long journey home by car due to roads being blocked because of expected protests. Yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the 1973 student uprising against Greece's former military dictatorship. More than 16,000 Greeks marched through the streets of Athens to protest against austerity and mark the anniversary of the student uprising against the former ruling military junta. This meant that many of the key metro stations were closed and the road outside my apartment was blocked off. Not very good when you want to travel to a Bible study in another part of the city.I was thankful however for being able to get a taxi to and from the Bible study and when I arrived home, there was no sign of any riots. I think the protests started and finished without any major trouble. 

As a new week begins, I take with me into it the main point from the Sunday night sermon/Bible study - "Live for God's glory and the good of others". We are enjoying listening to some cracking sermons by Steve Timmis from the book of 1 Peter. I found myself today asking - am I living for God's glory and the good of others? It's a good thought to have and an exposing one when I dig deep and realise how quick I am to live for my glory and the good of me!

I will be with the 'helping hands' ministry team tomorrow so will look forward to sharing more news on that soon. Please continue to pray that I make the most of the opportunities God has given me 'now' to serve Him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jon, sounds delicious!! you will have to make it for Barry and I when you get home at Christmas, and at least I will have most of the equipment needed, and another thing I am looking forward to during your stay is coming home from work to a cooked greek meal, not forgetting the wine. I am pleased to hear that your teaching is going well, and I am looking forward to our Skype on Friday to hear more about your lesson plans, especially after last weeks Puntuation Planet!!!. You take care, and my prayers and thoughts are with you. God Bless. Love Mum. XXX
