Wednesday 28 August 2013

So that's another form...

Just gone midday and it is turning out to be another eventful day full of many learning curves (a positive spin). So far today I have been doing much but not getting much done. Although to be fair there must be good reasons behind all the forms, stamps and photocopies (another positive spin). I think I now know what I need to do (not sure when it will be done though - sorry that wasn't very positive). I am very thankful for God's hidden hand at work in so many ways. A Psalm I made sure to memorise before coming to Athens was Psalm 16:8 -

I have set the Lord always before me;
    because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Please pray that this becomes an ever growing reality as I make my way around an unfamiliar city. I have been so blessed with the help of people. The police were extremely helpful in directing me to the immigration police. When I arrived at immigration I was beginning to see that other picture of Greece, not the one of blue skies and beaches, but the one that has been so hidden under the postcard but is now slowly starting to reveal itself. I wasn't too sure what to do at the security gate but I can only assume that the police officer noticed I was European and dealt with me quickly and efficiently. It did feel a little uncomfortable going through the gates when so many (non-Europeans) had obviously been waiting for hours (possibly more). 

Now I was inside the EU office (thanks to another helpful police officer). The advantages of knowing a little Greek showed itself as I talked to a man who was very friendly and helpful and pointed me to another man who he knew worked in the office. I then approached him and in my best 'little Greek' explained what I needed to do. Afterwards he then very kindly talked through all I needed to do to get my residents permit. Phew! So here I am still waiting but a little closer then I was on Monday.

I am thankful for my school and landlady who have been helpful as I adjust to life in Athens. I have received a warm welcome! It will be good to catch up with more familiar faces soon too. I am also enjoying giving the language a go. My favourite phrase so far which I seem to have perfected is:

Συγνώμη! Δεν μιλάω καλά ελληνικά - Sorry! I don't speak good Greek.


  1. Hi Jon
    Glad to hear you are settling in ok it must be quite an experience especially learning a new language. What is the food like? Your flat looks really nice. You take care Jon love SUE xx

  2. Hi Sue!
    Thanks for your message. Great to hear from you! It is an interesting experience but a good one! I'm enjoying learning the language (although very slowly) and the food is great! Hopefully once I get a bit more settled I can learn to cook some Greek food. Hope you are all well. xxx
