Sunday 25 August 2013

Post-packing ponderings...

All my packing is pretty much done! Two suitcases one big one small but both rather heavy. As I prepare for the move to a new country there are numerous thoughts running through my mind. Firstly I am extremely thankful! To God for his constant presence with me and kindness to me, how he has answered so many prayers over the last year. To friends and family for their amazing love and support - you don't know how much it has meant to have so many generous gifts not just monetary but also gifts of encouraging words, prayers and wise advice! Secondly excitement about stepping into the unknown. Whenever I have spent time abroad the best part for me has been exploring a new culture - tastes, sights, sounds etc. I am sure Greece will have much to offer on this. Also it will be a privilege to experience being a Christian in a different context. I remember during my time in China being reminded of the gigantic truth of God being the God of the whole world!!! Jesus said go and make disciples of ALL nations, and in Revelation we read of a great multitude that no one could number, from EVERY nation, from ALL tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

ForMission conference - CMS 2013. I missed the second week hence why I'm in the corner!

One day all those who have trusted in Christ will be a part of that great communion - what a thought! During my training with the Church Mission Society this wonderful truth became ever clearer as I met some amazing people all with a heart for mission (although don't forget all Christians are called to mission!). Over the week I was challenged in my thinking and reminded that God is way beyond me. I began to see how easy it can be to box him in or to overly rely on my construction of who I think God is. A construction based on my experience, my background and my culture. Meeting with people who came from different experiences and backgrounds I confess at times made me feel uncomfortable. Why? Because I hadn't realised how much I valued my way of being a Christian (if I can put it like that). I learnt that I need to humble myself and not be judgemental or consider my position to have it all sorted. Rather keep looking to the Bible (God's eternal truth) and keep talking with people about why they think the way they think. By the end of the week I was celebrating the diversity of God's church and how it is the gospel that unites! Ok the church looks very different in a different culture - it is the same gospel yet the community and how the gospel is displayed in that community looks different. Looking forward to seeing how that reveals itself in Greece! 

Here are the 5 marks of mission:

1. To proclaim the good news of the kingdom.

2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers.

3. To respond to human need by loving service.

4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation.

5. To strive and safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Please pray for me as I seek to keep these statements close to my heart.

Going to leave it there for now. My next post will be coming from Athens. Looking forward to sharing news, pics and Greek goings on. Thank you for your on-going support!
In Christ,

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