Friday 30 August 2013

A quieter day...

It has been a much quieter day today. Mostly I have spent the day organising my finances and I even managed to create a spreadsheet (I know!). Do praise God with me for his provision and for the many gifts that have helped me begin my time in Greece more financially secure. Earlier this afternoon I ventured out to see how long it would take me to walk to my school (without getting lost). Thankfully it took me just under 20 minutes to walk (without getting lost) so that was encouraging. Not only that it is a reasonable distance but also that I didn't get lost! Currently it feels like I'm in a bit of a limbo stage, waiting to start my job (on Monday), waiting to get forms completed (hopefully by the end of next week!) and just adjusting to an unfamiliar country and culture. All which has been exciting but also very tiring. I did have a much better sleep last night so do thank God for that!

My school! I start Monday morning.
I have been enjoying getting to grips with the language. This morning I went to buy some water from a shop about a 2min walk from my flat. I feel that it is my duty to impress the Greek people with my poor linguistic mastery! I find however that my limited language knowledge can actually have its advantages. For example, it makes for a great conversation starter, ok so it's not going to be a very deep conversation, but it can help in establishing relationships as I show that I am making an effort to converse. I have also realised that you just need to go for it! You're not going to make progress if you don't try (that's what I keep telling myself anyway). All in all it is fun when you get that moment (very rare moment) when someone understands what you are saying, and if they don't I just pull out my phrase (I don't speak good Greek). Please in all this continue to pray that I do make good progress with the language and make an effort to learn more when I can.

The Hellenic Parliament. In the background you can see Mount Lykavittos.

This afternoon I am planning on doing some more reading in preparation for my English teaching job. Although I am slightly apprehensive about starting there is a part of me that is really raring to go! It will be good to establish some routines and hopefully that will help with the settling in process. I am also excited about getting involved in a church community. Spending time with my friend last night reminded me of the importance and value of Christian fellowship. Pray that in whatever way He determines, that I would serve God and grow in His love during my time in Athens!   

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