Tuesday 27 August 2013

Prayer points

Thank you for your prayers! They are much needed and greatly valued.

Please pray:

- Give thanks for a good journey and pray that I settle in to my flat and the surrounding area.

- Protection as I go out do things and meet people.

- Paperwork! Lots (or feels like lots) to get done and it is trickier when my Greek is not very good. Please pray I get all the necessary forms done as soon as possible.

- Give thanks for my landlady who has been very helpful and welcoming. Pray for me as I get to know people that I would be a good witness for Christ.

Will look forward to sharing more news soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Jon!
    Much to be grateful for indeed > God is good and yeah, will pray for your linguistic transition as well > especially to not get stressed about it ... It will come, in due time ...
