Thursday 29 August 2013

At least they are now filled in...

One step closer towards getting my tax number! It was great this morning to meet up with a friend who had kindly offered to represent me at the tax office. I am looking forward to meeting up with him again to continue catching up (perhaps over some Greek coffee!). Ok so back to the tax office. We arrived (good). However we then discovered that the office were going on strike for the afternoon (not so good). Still, at least we were able to get my forms filled in. Will try again on Monday. You'll be pleased to hear that I am now telephonically connected in Greece via mobile. I went into a store on my way home and am now the proud owner of a simple yet effective Greek mobile phone. I may live to regret the decision, but I opted to have the phone language in Greek! Thought it would be a good way to learn more of the language. It did then however take me 20mins to just send a text!

I live next-door to a plant shop.

Anyway, now fully armed with my mobile it should help when wanting to contact friends who are living in Athens. I'm definitely noticing that things happen at a very different pace compared to that of the UK. I wonder if this has something to do with the weather! Temperatures of 35 + mean that things (especially for me) take longer it seems. I shall persevere and hope that by the end of next week I am writing with news of successful applications.

Dolmades in a tin!

Please pray that I keep looking to God for strength and energy throughout the day and also for patience as I wait for forms to be completed. Give thanks for my friend in Athens who helped me this morning! 

O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
Psalm 139:1

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