Sunday 12 January 2014

Signposts to a greater destination...

It all seems so long ago... Christmas that is. I don't know if you ever get that post-Christmas feeling, after all the preparation, anticipation and then it's over. We are now 12 days into 2014, and during church this morning, a thought came to my mind. I say this morning, however it's a thought that's actually been floating around my mind for a few days now. Have you ever thought - "was that it?" What I mean is, have you ever been left feeling empty, as though you expected something more? Let me point out that I'm not trying to put a dampener on Christmas, I love Christmas! As mentioned in a previous blog, this Christmas was a very special one as I met up with family and friends after four months. However, it occurred to me (and I'm sure countless others), could the "was that it?" feeling be more than just a feeling, could it actually be because of a reality that is very much inside us, the reality that there is something more, and that we've been looking for fulfilment and life in all the wrong places.

You know what it's like. The presents have been neatly wrapped, lovingly placed under the tree, care and attention has gone into making sure that the gift is ready for its recipient. Yet, in less than 3 minutes, the wrapping paper has been completely demolished, and the aftermath of this unwrapping event is there for all to see (unless of course you are one of those people who like to reuse the paper for next year). Yes, there is much joy to be found in the opening of Christmas presents. The discovery of what's inside, the possession of a new item either desired or not, and not forgetting, the blessing of making someone you love happy. Yet here we are, 12 days into January and unless it's just me, it seems not much has changed. That new discovery will soon become an all too familiar one, that new item will soon become old, and the happiness of that gift receiving moment seems all too long ago. Perhaps we were wrong to place our hope in those gifts under the tree? Maybe your reading this thinking, "it's only a Christmas present, stop getting all theological and chill out."

To conclude, one thing I learnt last year, and continue to learn is this, you cannot do life without God. Think about it, if there is a God, then we are here because of him. If there is a God, then there is a mind behind everything. And the good news is, this God has spoken to us. In the Bible we read:

You make known to me the path of life;
    you will fill me with joy in your presence,
    with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

                                                                               Psalm 16:11

You see, there is a reality working inside each of us. We were built, designed and destined to find our fulfilment, our joy and ultimate pleasure in God. This is why those Christmas gifts, or any earthly possessions or pleasures for that matter, will not deliver. They are signposts pointing to a greater possession, a greater pleasure - God himself. What does this mean for the here and now? It means that we have hope. If you were left feeling disappointed, wondering "was that it?", the good news of the gospel tells us - no it wasn't! Life is found not in a possession or a pleasure but in a person, and his name is Jesus. And so, let us enjoy and be thankful for every gift we have in the here and now, but let us remember that they are signposts pointing to a greater destination. The one who will fill us with joy in his presence, with pleasures forevermore.   


  1. Hi Jonathon,
    It was a real pleasure to have met you at your Aunts. It gave Jo and I lot of pleasure to have spoken to you for such a short period.
    Sadly we lost Jo's Mum last night But we know that god will help us through this sad period and we shall come out of stronger.
    Still would love to hear here a bit of your boogie woogie piano do try to do a wee bit and put it on youtube.
    We will be listening to your first sermon in the next couple of days. Our thought will be with you.

    1. Hi,
      Many thanks for your message. I also enjoyed meeting you both over the Christmas holidays. It was an encouraging time and I'm sure we'll be able to stay in touch somehow. I'm really sorry to hear this news about Jo's mum and do hope that you find comfort and rest in our Lord, who even in our pain and suffering is both good and sovereign. Praying that you know his peace and presence in the coming months. God bless

      ps. if there is any boogie-woogie moments I'll let you know...
