Tuesday 7 January 2014

A new year...

There has already been much to give thanks for as I look ahead to the coming months in Athens. It felt a little strange landing back in Greece after the holiday, however the now familiar sights and smells (pollution) of the city were strangely welcoming as I emerged from the metro station. I enjoyed seeing friends at church on Sunday. It was a special time as the church was celebrating its 90th anniversary. After the service, we had some food together (lots of food) and heard all about the history of the church. On my table was a delightful elderly man who, I discovered, after some good past experiences, loves English people.

A good time on Sunday celebrating
90yrs of the 2nd Greek Evangelical Church
I am very thankful for the fellowship at 2nd Church. It is a place where the Bible is clearly taught and each week I am reminded of the transforming message of the gospel. It has also been encouraging to be involved in the one of the ministries to the local community.


Today marked the beginning of a new school term and also the start of 'helping hands'. There was a depleted team at the refugee centre as most of the staff were stuck in America due to the snowstorms. In the end it was decided that we would just serve tea and invite people to sit, chat play games and hear a talk from the Bible. It was a very encouraging time. I would add however that I'm not planning to enter any chess competitions in the near future. I got completely destroyed by one of the refugees. It was fun and in the end he was actually trying to help me not get beat. Never mind! Please pray for all those who were at the centre today. They heard a clear gospel presentation but we know that only God can do the work of changing peoples hearts. 


My school term started today and it was a good first couple of lessons. I am definitely feeling more prepared this time round, and looking forward to putting this preparation into action. If I'm learning anything from this teaching job, it is that 'good preparation', is like having a car with power steering, i.e. it makes driving so much easier. Please be praying that my good intentions are long lasting and make it through to Easter.

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