Thursday 9 January 2014

It is the 9th of January isn't it???

I was rather amused when I commented on the weather to a Greek colleague who responded - "I know, I don't like winter!" - today it was around 20oC! To me this is summer! Apparently however it is usual to get a few days of hot temperatures followed by colder weather. Anyway, over 20oC and bright sunshine on the 9th January is certainly new to me.

2nd Church - feeding ministry
Arriving at the church this morning, I realised I was a little early. The perfect excuse for some impromptu boogie-woogie. Note to self: arriving early may result in boogie-woogie. Today, it was the feeding ministry at 2nd church, and although we were a slightly smaller team, the numbers of guests were by no means small. There was a good crowd of people and possibly due to the weather, a good atmosphere.

I've really enjoyed getting to know the people who come each week, and even though there is often little in the way of conversation, it is always good to see familiar faces. Our hope as a team, is that we might be able to share something of the light of Christ in the lives of those we meet. Many of the people we see are experiencing dark times, yet as we know, we all need to life and light of Jesus.

Please pray for those who are working in the community of Koukaki. It is all about building relationships as one friend told me today.

It was another good time at the school today. I've enjoyed teaching one lesson which is based around the life of 'Bear Grylls'. The theme of the lesson is about survival and the children are to think about what they would do if they were lost in a jungle.

To set the scene (so to speak) I made the class imagine they were in a rainforest (with the help of powerpoint, jungle sounds etc). It was fun, although I'm not sure one girl really liked seeing Bear Grylls eating barbequed snake!

I end this blog entry with the news that I have seen today the biggest Kiwi fruits ever! You can see the picture below. Have a good weekend!

Kiwi fruit

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