Saturday 4 January 2014

Post-holiday ponderings...

Earlier today, I arrived back in Athens after a very enjoyable Christmas holiday. It was a wonderful two weeks spent meeting with family and friends, eating, drinking, eating some more and very much enjoying the opportunity to look back and reflect on the past four months in Greece. The Lord has been teaching me a great deal about myself and I know that the coming months ahead will be just as revealing. As the new year rang in, I had been reflecting a bit on how God uses the little moments of life to shape us and make the big changes we so desperately need. This is what being a Christian is all about. The Christian life is not simply a pass into heaven, it is a process towards heaven. I've been reading a book called 'How People Change' by Paul Tripp and Tim Lane. It has begun to make me see how God is deeply concerned in making his people more like Christ. He is committed to transforming us even when we are not. The good news is that it is a process driven by grace. It's not about my effort, although I am to work hard, it's not about my achievements, although they are to be celebrated, it is simply about laying every area of our lives at the feet of Jesus, trusting and depending in his goodness and greatness alone. Anyway, this blog entry almost turned into a book review, sorry about that.

There is much to look forward to over the coming year and as always, your prayer support is greatly appreciated. I will be back serving with the 'helping hands' team on Tuesday, and this is also the day my school term begins. I do feel much more prepared for the coming term which is largely to do with learning the hard way last term. Also, the feeding ministry at my church will be up and running this coming week. To share a few pointers please pray for:

1. A good start to 2014 - I've made a few little resolutions - pray I would make the most of my time in Athens. That I would make the most of the little moments.

2. My teaching role - that I would be better prepared for the new term and as a result be a diligent, efficient, and effective teacher.

3. Friendships in Athens - that I would continue to make friends and be an encouragement to others when possible.

4. The future - for wisdom as I consider the future and think more longer term.    

Happy New Year!
Καλή Χρονιά!
Playing catch with my dad's dog. It
was a rather long game...

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