Tuesday 13 May 2014

Summer begins...

Well, for me that is anyway. The temperature in Athens is starting to increase. Today, we experienced mid to late twenties and I've been told that from now on, it will just keep getting hotter. Being a 'three weeks in a year' sun Englishman, I'm rarely ever prepared for the sun abroad (a certain trip to Jordan springs to mind). Once again I've managed to catch the sun only this time I'm hopeful that it will not end quite as badly as last time. The venue for this misjudgment of sunshine was Goudi park, a rather beautiful green space within the municipality of my school. We were hosting a sports and crafts event for the children with lots of games including classics such as the egg and spoon, sack and three legged race. There was even a five-a-side football tournament which I have to say, was rather competitive. I had the pleasure of being assistant referee for one of the games. My contribution was mostly blowing a whistle and waving my arms around due to my inability to speak Greek.  

It was a hard-fought match but the hats were deserved winners!

It was a fun day and enjoyed by all. I was also able to chat to some of my colleagues a bit more which was good. As the school year draws to a close it will be sad to say goodbyes.

One of my favourite moments of the day was during one of the football matches. A team had won a free-kick and just as the player was about to take it his mobile phone went off. I jokingly said that he should get a yellow card, and the referee went over and pulled the card on him. It was a very funny moment.


Today at Helping Hands it was another blessed time serving alongside the team. At the moment, there is a team from America working with the ministry and it has especially been good getting to know them a little. I've been learning a lot from meeting different people from lots of different backgrounds. At the centre today, we welcomed over 130 refugees which again reminded me of the vastness of need in Greece and all over the world at present. One of the hardest things is seeing families having to survive under such desperate conditions. On my walk home from work, I often go past families who live in the back of pick-up trucks. It certainly puts things into perspective when I find myself grumbling about where I live.

Mixing the salad...
Please pray for me as I seek to reach out to people both at the refugee centre and even on a walk home from work. It's very tempting to just walk past people after a tiring day at work but something inside me says this is wrong. Pray I would have wisdom and God-given opportunities to share the Love of Christ.

I'm also aware at how easy it could be to hop in and out of ministry. Ministry hat on - ministry hat off, when actually, all of life is ministry when you come to think of it. Jesus calls all Christians to go and make disciples. We have been saved that we might know Him and make Him known.

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