Sunday 1 December 2013

All nations...

The gospel truly is for all nations. At the end of Matthew's gospel, we hear those familiar words of Jesus - 'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...'. I was privileged this evening to see something of this in action. I was invited to speak at a new Albanian church plant in Piraeus (south of Athens). As mentioned in the previous blog, I know the pastor from one of the mid-week ministries I help with at the 2nd church. I was unsure what to expect but was warmly greeted at the train station by the pastor and some of the church members. Already I could sense the excitement of this new church and had the pleasure of speaking with one Albanian men about his faith and desire to live a changed life for God.

When we arrived at the church building, a small but suitable space for the meeting, it wasn't until after about 45minutes of chatting with coffee and tea that we started the service (although you could say the service had already begun). To begin with we sang some songs (in Albanian) - I tried to follow and at one point, the lady sat next to me commented with surprise 'you speak Albanian'. Even though I couldn't understand what we were singing, you can't help but get caught up in the praise of the God of all nations.

After about four songs, I was invited to speak and by God's grace the sermon seemed to come across well, especially with regards to speaking with a translator. There wasn't enough time to do the passages from Isaiah 53 and Mark 15 justice, but my two points were 1. On the cross Jesus was our substitute. 2. On the cross Jesus opened a way to God. Please pray that these awesome truths from God's word would work in the hearts of those at the church.

I have just returned home from my fellowship group and again it was another good time. We've finished listening to the sermons from 1 Peter and will have a think about what to do next. Give thanks to God for all these opportunities he has given me to grow in my understanding of who he is, and above all to grow in my love for him.       

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