Monday 3 March 2014

Cats - reflections...

On Saturday, I enjoyed an evening at the theatre to watch the rather feline-tastic musical cats. It really was an amazing performance and as someone who loves musicals, I was left in awe at the genius of The Lord Lloyd-Webber. I much prefer the sound of the cats in this production to the ones that hang out around my apartment block! As we departed the theatre, I was in one of those reflective moods. I get these a lot. In fact, ever since that day when I was 5 and decided to bite into one of the hardback books in my school library losing a tooth in the process. Upon reflection, that wasn't such a good idea. Anyway, back to Cats.

I strongly believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ not only makes sense of life, but also deals with some of the deepest longings in the human experience. I don't know if it was Lloyd-Webber's intention, but some of the deep questions of life seemed to come out of the songs. I understand the lyrics were not his bag, but no doubt he would have wanted to convey some kind of message through his production, wouldn't he? Do correct me if I've read too much into this - as is often the case. 

Three things that so often mark our daily lives is the search for meaning, the search for hope and the search for identity. What am I here for? Where am I heading? Who am I? are all big questions that I think everyone asks at some stage of life. Here then is my thought, many of the cats seem to be filled with either a longing for what was, or a search for what could be. First, there is Gus the theatre cat. He is singing about the past and at the heart of his song, is that moment when he made history, or so he thought. The actor did an amazing job at showing his sadness as he clings to that nostalgic moment that seemed to make such sense of life. A moment he now replays in his mind over and over again. Are we not the same at times? Searching for meaning, hope and identity in times past.

Then there is Rum Tum Tugger. Probably one of my favourite songs in the musical. Yet this cats obvious dissatisfaction and me-at-the-centre of everything approach to life speaks volumes about our society today. Moving from one experience to another, constantly in two minds, never quite finding the satisfaction that is so craved. For him, the search for meaning, hope and identity is very much a search within. As the M-people once famously put it you've got to - search for the hero inside yourself, until you find the key to your life. However if we are honest, moving from one high to another only leaves us feeling empty and simply wanting more. Not only is this sad, but what a burden such a me-istic approach to life lays on our society. 

Finally, in probably the most memorable and famous song (pun intended) of the musical is 'memory' sung by Grizabella. I think it was one of the lines in this song that prompted me to want to write this blog. Actually, it was an entire verse, here it is:


All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again 

Like Gus the theatre cat, she pines for what was. She clings to the memory of her former beauty, possibly the very source of her happiness. But more than that, this is her driving motivation in life. The hope that such a memory will live again. How sad. Perhaps as her body faded so did her very identity. Perhaps as the happiness departed so did her sense of meaning. Now, there is no hope, except that she may be chosen by the Jellicle cats leader and live again. I think the link that binds these three cats together, is the realisation that life is not only fleeting, but the very attempts in understanding such life has failed.                 

This is where the gospel of Jesus Christ so powerfully speaks. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Just reflect on the weight of this verse. You see, Gus, Rum Tum Tugger and Grizabella are left singing such tragic songs because they have been searching for life's meaning, hope and identity in all the wrong places. Don't we do the same? We conjure up in our minds tailor made lives that fit our agenda and at the centre aim to satisfy our needs and our longings. The perfect job, the successful career, the big bank balance, the ideal family and the list goes on. Please don't miss hear me, all these things are good in themselves, but they were never meant to be our life! 

The gospel tells us that there is a God who made us to know him. Wait, more than that, made us to have life in him alone. Yet we ignore him, reject his rule for our lives and choose to serve created things rather than serve the Creator. This is sin. But did you see - Jesus is our way back to the Father. Taking the punishment we deserve for our sin, at the cross Jesus opened up a way back to the Father. Then, rising from the dead to new life, we can be in no doubt that he is indeed the one. The search is over. No longer are we left in the dark, searching for meaning, hope and identity in the things around us. Meaning, hope and identity are not found in a place, they are found in a person - Jesus. 

I leave you with some extracts from the songs mentioned above and a recommendation to see Cats if you get the chance and like that kind of thing. It really was a fantastic production. I'm thankful for how it not only entertained me, but showed me once again the wonder and good news of the gospel. 

Gus - the theatre cat

And he says as he scratches himself with his claws
"Well, the theatre is certainly not what it was
These modern productions are all very well
But there's nothing to equal from what I hear tell
That moment of mystery when I made history
As Firefrorefiddle, the Fiend of the Fell"

"I once crossed the stage on a telegraph wire
To rescue a child when a house was on fire
And I think that I still can much better than most
Produce blood-curdling noises to bring on the ghost
And I once played Growltiger
Could do it again
Could do it again
Could do it again . . ."

Rum Tum Tugger
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

If you offer me pheasant I'd rather have grouse
If you put me in a house I would much prefer a flat
If you put me in a flat then I'd rather have a house
If you set me on a mouse then I only want a rat
If you set me on a rat then I'd rather chase a mouse

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there isn't any call for me to shout it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again 

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