Thursday 5 June 2014

Albanian fellowship...

Now my teaching job at the school is finished, I've been thankful to have more free time in the evenings. As well as seeing friends, and taking things a little easier, it has allowed me to spend more time with some of the ministries I've become involved with in Greece. On Tuesday, I was able to stay at 'Helping Hands' for the entire refugee program. It was great to be a part of the whole time and to serve in different ways. There are many practical tasks to be done over the day, in addition to talking with the refugees when possible. Over the next two weeks, the team from 'Helping Hands' are away on the annual summer camp, but I hope to have similar opportunities to serve once they're back in Athens.

Over the past months, I've had the pleasure of getting to know a group of Albanians who attend a new church in Athens. It has been a real delight and it is always a special treat to have the opportunity to play in the music band, and help serve in other ways when needed. On Wednesday evening, a group from the church gather at the pastors house for a time of singing, Bible study and prayer.

Now that my classes are finished, I was able to come along, and also be introduced to this amazing Albanian dessert called 'milky'. It's kind of like a Crème brûlée without the blow torched sugar on top. All in all, it was a fun time, and I was thankful for a friend who translated in English. Please do pray for this church as they meet together to worship God, grow in their love for the Lord Jesus, and seek to make him known. 

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