Wednesday 2 April 2014

Multi-national helping hands...


This week at helping hands, we had a team of staff and volunteers from nine countries! Greece, America, England, Canada, Albania, Afghanistan, Finland, Norway and Sweden. It really was a multi-national team. It is normally a varied team, however today with visiting volunteers from a Bible college in Sweden, it felt particularly mixed. As always it was a pleasure to serve alongside fellow believers and reach out to the Afghan refugees. At times the need in Greece can seem overwhelming, but we trust and know that the Sovereign Lord is at work, bringing people to Christ through the many ministries around the city of Athens.

Lots of tasty cabbage salad!
At helping hands there is always a gospel message after the meal. Those who hear the talk then have an opportunity to ask questions and find out more. It is inevitable that people only stay for the food, yet we can never truly know how God is working in the hearts of those we see each week.

As you can see from the picture on the right, there is plenty of food prepared for the refugees. One of my favourites is the cabbage salad. We are thankful that we can provide a tasty meal for all those who come to the centre. All in all, we probably serve in the region of 130 refugees from Afghanistan. Please do pray for the ministry and that through all that the team do, people would come to know the Lord Jesus - it is all for Him and His glory!

I am continually amazed at how quickly my time in Greece is going. I have now been living in Athens for seven months and since arriving in August 2013 it has been a most valuable time. I trust that the coming months will prove just as valuable as I continue to live and work in a foreign land. As I talk to people who have made the switch from home to foreign soil, they all say the same thing. It changes you. I'm still figuring out how, but I do echo that sentiment.   

Waiting at the metro
One of the many crossings


The Albanian church meets every Saturday evening to worship God
through the Bible, prayer, praise and fellowship.

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