Saturday 13 July 2013

Flight booked...

Today I booked my flight to Athens! I'm really thankful to God for his provision in so many ways. I leave the UK on Monday 26th August. Lots to sort out but great to have a departure date in the diary. Please pray for me as I prepare to pack and get ready for the move.

With thanks,

Monday 1 July 2013

CMS interview

Today was my second interview with the Church Mission Society regarding possible gospel mission opportunities in Athens. I arrived at the rather large and quite impressive HQ in Oxford (reminds me of the BBC news room) for the second time and was greeted by the same lady who met me 2 months ago. A very friendly exchange and I was made to feel again very welcome and at home. This time however my main interview was with the head of personnel. Praise God for a very relaxed and open chat about many things from my life in general to Christian things and the big question why Greece and CMS? After over an hour of question and answers we ended in prayer and overall it felt great to be able to put into words what was going on in my mind.

I then met with the chap who co-ordinates the middle Eastern missionaries (I know what your thinking Greece isn't in the middle East). Well I think the link is that a great deal of work is being done in Southern Athens amongst refugees from the middle East - hence the links. I'm looking forward to future chats with him and he will be connecting me with people in Athens.

Give thanks for a good time and also that my selection has been successful! I just have to go through a health check and then attend a week of training at All Nations in July. The first year will be spent making connections in Athens and getting settled and involved with a church community serving in whatever way I can. After this CMS will discuss possible future placements. Please pray with me for daily grace from God and that I would trust him and be open to wherever he calls me to go. It definitely feels like a one day at a time journey at the moment - yet maybe that's not so bad.

In Christ,

   In their hearts humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps. (Proverbs 16:9)